Today's daily Gospel reading is MT 15:29-37.

This Gospel is so good, it shows up twice. In it, Jesus is really showing up as “the way and the truth and the life." It’s one of the prefigurations of the eucharist (along with the Wedding at Cana, my personal FAVORITE!!!), and it leaves you wondering why anybody still had doubts that Jesus was who He said He was.
Even today, why do we *still* doubt He is who He says He is?
After making himself known to the lowest of people -- the blind, deformed, lame, mute and incurable -- he says (paraphrasing here), “My silly little humans! They come to me for healing, but even healed, they don’t have what they need to live! They’re healed for now but if we’re going to get off this mountain, I need to step in.
They need to eat and I need to feed them
They need to eat and I need to feed them so they can live.” He gathers seven loaves of bread 🥯 🥖 🍞 🥯 🥯 🥖 🍞 , and they eat until all are satisfied. This is such complete and holy nourishment, no one is worried about how much they’re eating, who they’re eating in front of, or what will happen to them because of such a true indulgence. They stop eating when they’re content. Consuming something good doesn’t need to binged, hidden, or purged. This is a mealtime of mercy, celebration, and authentic, everlasting life.
Consuming something good doesn’t need to binged, hidden, or purged. This is a mealtime of mercy, celebration, and authentic, everlasting life.
What’s stopping us from always fueling our bodies with such great joy?
But wait! There’s more! When the seven perfect loaves are all recollected, we’re left with seven perfect *baskets* of life-giving bread. Baskets hold some number of loaves. Do the math -- there’s more for another meal. And another after that. And even more still. Jesus followers aren’t ashamed by their large and satisfying meal. A good steak is akin to heaven, and heaven is not a one time offer. Say yes to Jesus; say yes to your next life giving meal.